March 28, 2014

Tough Mudder: What Was I Thinking?

Tough Mudder is the self-proclaimed
"toughest event on the planet."

I signed up for this.
I'm sitting on my couch.
Eating Reeses Peaces right now.
The event is tomorrow.


For those of you not familiar with Tough Mudder, 
check out this very scary & intimidating video

Maybe I should have watched this before I signed up
or maybe I should have actually trained to run 10 miles
or maybe I should just stop being such a baby
when it comes to pushing myself to the limit...

But the limit is just so hard.
And not running is great.
Like, the best thing ever. 
Who actually enjoys running?!

No one.

March 17, 2014

Erin go Bragh!

As in Ireland Forever!
Pronounced Erin go bra.
Something to shout while you're at the bars tonight... 
(or this afternoon)

You're welcome.

Cheers & Happy St. Patrick's Day!