October 31, 2013

It's Just A Bunch Of Hocus Pocus...


Have fun, be safe and never trust a stranger offering 
you a free ride in a limo at 1AM...


October 28, 2013

The One Who Was My First...[Boyfriend]

Let's talk about my 1st "boyfriend"
and I use that term very loosely.

This is like, middle school status boyfriend.
And back in my day, that meant it was really nothing.

No kissing. No sleepovers. 
No Facebook to make the relationship official.

So basically, I don't really count it in my line up of past flames
but it's still a great foreshadowing of my love life...

Anyways, this dates back to 2004 (I think).
8th grade (I think).
And we met thorough mutual friends (I think).
It's been a while, give me a break.

October 18, 2013

The One Who Bailed On Formal


Ok, when I say ONE I really mean FIVE...
In honor of formal season coming up- take note.

Being in a sorority has its perks, 
like being able to go to formals again.
While they are the highlight of the year, 
they come with some damn stressful situations. 

Like, oh I don't know,
 finding a date!

I have learned a lot through this recent formal season,
 especially when it comes to reserving a date...

Yeah, reserving one because apparently once you hit "adulthood"
no one can make a commitment to being your date like in High School.

Here are some things I have learned through this process 
that those attending formal might want to look out for-

Five People To Avoid Asking To Formal:

1. If they have to ask their mother, 
chances are they cannot attend...

2. If the first thing they ask you is if they will be spending the night, 
chances are they will be groping you all night...

3. If they hesitate when you bring up the idea of formal, 
chances are it's not their scene...

October 14, 2013

The One Who Said Thank You

Thank you cards are great.
Especially when they provide you with a backhanded thank you.

Enter- my brother...

He recently came across this whole thank you card thing.
Only took him 22 years
and we were al lucky enough to receive
these beautiful cards after his birthday this year.

The thing with my brother though
is that he can't just write a sweet, nice and thoughtful card.
It has to be backhanded in someway, shape or form.
At least with my card...

October 11, 2013

The One With The Best Pick Up Line


Location: Small town bar. 
Targets: Me and my roommate.
Pickup Line: One for the record books-

Sitting at a table drinking some beers,
my roommate and I were approach by a cute boy.

Thinking he will pull the usually

"Do you go to school around here" line, 
we were not mentally prepared for the direction it went.

Boy: "Hey ladies! So who are you going to vote for in the 2012 elections?"

With confused,
"I am not sure where this came from" looks on our faces, 
my roommate took one for the team.

The wrong team...

"Ummmm, Joe Biden"

Boy: "The Vice President? OK..."

And then there's me...

October 07, 2013

The One Who Stayed Classy

"You stay classy San Diego."

This past weekend I worked for the San Diego Film Festival,
mainly stalking celebrities and tweeting about it 
but since my friend was the festival producer, 
she recruited me to do wide variety of jobs during the five days.

Due to my very embarrassing and awkward nature, 
I of course put my skills to great use in front of some
high profile people.

One of them being Judd Apatow
who we were honoring with a filmmaker award one of the nights...

Last minute, I was asked by my friend to be stage manager
(stage left...kind of a big deal considering there's only one stage left...)

That is where I got to interact with some pretty neat people 
before they went on to honor Judd.

One of those people being David Koechner
whom you may recognize from Anchorman as Champ Kind.

October 04, 2013

The One Who Ordered Diet


My roommates and I 
obviously do not have the best of luck with guys. 

But, I have good news this time!
FINALLY, one of my roommates found a nice guy! 

He is cute, polite and just a genuine person. 
Yes, they do exist at our school! 
Shocker, I know.

There was only one problem with this guy…
he ordered the wrong soda.

Say whaaaaa?!
Let me explain the breakdown of the date 
as told by my roommate-

"First we get into his car and there's no music! How awkward is that?!! 
So we just made random small talk but it got worse..."

With confused looks on our faces, 
my roommates and I waited to hear what happened next-