November 01, 2013

The One Who Wanted To Be Blogged


The other night I ventured out to the bars.
So while in one of the bars, a member of my class approached me,
slightly very wasted
and told me he wanted to be in my blog.

Boy: "Can I take you out on a date and then you can write about it in your blog?!"

Me: "What?"

"Your blog is one of the blog's I actually read each week!"

 "Thank you but why would you want to go on a date and 
hope it's a good Relation-Shit story?"

"I'll take you out to Chili's and buy you a margarita!"

When someone asks you out on a date
so they can end up in a Relation-Shit blog, 
you can only imagine what kind of date it will be...

I was not sure how to process this one. 
While feeling a little insulted that I was being used
just be placed in one of my blog entries, 
I was also excited that someone is actually reading my blog!

Plus who would want to pass up a Chili's dinner and a margarita
which apparently is the perfect match for a Relation-Shit date. 

So, is it sad that all I need is food and booze to ruin a date 
charming that he already had it planned? 

Not sure which one it is yet, 
but since I have sworn off alcohol AND dates,
I said I would stick to blogging other people's relation-shits for now. 

But this story was just too funny NOT to blog about.
Plus, he did say he wanted to be in a blog entry. 

So here ya go! You made it in! 

Maybe not what you thought would be the reason, 
but let's not get picky here.

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