New Year's resolutions are a funny thing.
It's an automatic question you get after the New Year
but long forgotten by February.
Well this year I'm changing things!
*Knock on wood*
I'm ACTUALLY going to keep my New Year's resolution
& so far, so good!
Here's a little refresher on my list I blogged about earlier -
Basically, I am doing something new every month
that I have always dubbed as "one day I'll do that."
Well, that day is sometime this year!
JANUARY: Learn to snowboard
I have never been snowboarding.
Skiing? Yes.
So I'm not a total noob when it comes to winter sports.
I happened to be headed to Colorado
so it made this item easy to accomplish
in the sense that I would check it off
not so much that I would be good at it.
I'm not going to lie to you -
I was on my ass for a while there
but I'm also going to toot my own horn & say I picked it up pretty fast!
I have witnesses...
Beautiful Breckenridge Ski Resort near Denver, CO.
Honestly, one of the most beautiful mountains I have been on.
Because I have so many to compare to...
But really, it was nice - check it.

It's an automatic question you get after the New Year
but long forgotten by February.
Well this year I'm changing things!
*Knock on wood*
I'm ACTUALLY going to keep my New Year's resolution
& so far, so good!
Here's a little refresher on my list I blogged about earlier -
Basically, I am doing something new every month
that I have always dubbed as "one day I'll do that."
Well, that day is sometime this year!
JANUARY: Learn to snowboard
I have never been snowboarding.
Skiing? Yes.
So I'm not a total noob when it comes to winter sports.
I happened to be headed to Colorado
so it made this item easy to accomplish
in the sense that I would check it off
not so much that I would be good at it.
I'm not going to lie to you -
I was on my ass for a while there
but I'm also going to toot my own horn & say I picked it up pretty fast!
I have witnesses...
Beautiful Breckenridge Ski Resort near Denver, CO.
Honestly, one of the most beautiful mountains I have been on.
Because I have so many to compare to...
But really, it was nice - check it.
Pretty sure this was in the beginning.
When I was happy about trying new things.
Before I started falling.
Then a hot snowboarder attempted to teach me how to board.
But I yelled at him.
Because it was the board that kept making me fall.
Not me.

But I started to get the hang out it
& since I was shredding down that beautiful mountain,
I needed a break. Or two.
Or half the time I was out there.
Of course, trying to be all artsy & shit.
In reality, I was constantly afraid I would fall to my death.
Thank you cousin Leo for taking me out on the mountain,
waiting for me as I figured out how to steer that damn board
& showing me that Colorado is a close second to California.
So there it is.
January has been accomplished!
I can now check [Snowboarding] off of my bucket list.
Next up - [Tumbling]
Fingers crossed I don't break anything...
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