January 24, 2014

The One Who Thought I Was Sick


Ever since I got into the "real world,"
hitting the town is sadly not on my radar.

From those good old college days of going out every Thursday at 11PM
to going to bed at 11PM on a Thursday for work the next day...
Oh how life changes so quickly.

 BUT, my friend and I made the trek out to some bars last Friday night
 and man, did we make up for lost time!

With my friend being the sober driver, 
I was able to enjoy myself more than I should have.
A few drinks down and it was time to DANCE!

Now, as some of you know (or should be warned)
I am not a dancer, nor am I a good impersonator.
But that night? I was great!
Or so that is what I recall & choose to believe...

Dancing away, two guys came up to us & asked us to dance.
Cute huh? 
After getting our grove on for a while, it was time for us to peace out.

As I was about to leave, the guy asked for my number.
At this point in my life/dating life, I figure it couldn't hurt to try all my options-
So I started with my area code & he freaked out.

"Wait, where are you from?!"
With a 'this can't be good' look on my face, I told him Simi Valley.

"No way! I'm from that area!"

Of course!

The one time I go out to escape from people I know, 
& this guy comes along.
Turns out he knows people I went to elementary school, 
high school & college with.
This town is too damn small...

After this great discovery & a full number given out, 
it was time to head home.
While on the long drive back, I get a text message from an unknown number...

"Sup it's the guy from the bars!"

The first thing I blurt out was-
"You know too many people I know!"
Yeah, we're totally going to work out.

"Oh shush, I don't even talk to them anymore. Shouldn't you be at my place?"
Charming isn't he?

"I am already home!"
I mean, practically...

"I mean, you can always come another night but I got a busy schedule."
And I got no words for that except-


"WTF what? I'm sorry I think you're sick."

"I hope that means something good..."

"I apologize, I thought we would have a good conversation. 
I mean, I can be an ass hole if you want."

Yes, because that is what every girl is hoping to hear from a guy. 
THAT will get me to your place.

"Preferably not."

"Well I'll hit you up and maybe we can kick it sometime."

Being too nice to say GTFO-
"For sure, just let me know when you're free."

"Psh never, hence why I said come to my place tonight."
But for real, what a charmer. 

At that point I had nothing else to say & the conversation died.
A week later - still no text.
I guess I am not as sick as he thought I was.
Damn, another good one bites the dust...


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