January 06, 2014

Top Questions You Get When You Wear Glasses

It's a love/hate relationship.

I've been wearing glasses since the mid-90's
so you know I've rocked some great looks. 
Definitely a guy magnet.
Let. Me. Tell. You.

For as common as they seem to be,
people are fascinated with glasses
& love to ask random questions about them
as if they have never met someone wearing specs before...

So here are the Top 8 Questions 
I am constantly asked because I wear glasses!

8. Are they real?

Yes, yes they are real. I don't really understand this fad of wearing fake glasses. Especially the ones without lenses. At least make it look like you really wear glasses for the stereotypical idea that they make everyone look smarter.

7. How blind are you?

First off, I'm not blind & second, would you really understand if I said I was -2.00 in my right eye & -3.00 in my left eye with a slight astigmatism? No.

So I usually just say "I have horrible eye sight." Which then leads to this -

7a. How many fingers am I holding up?

Well, I'm wearing my glasses so I can see perfectly.
And two.

6. Are you nearsighted or farsighted?

Easy enough of a question. Nearsighted!

6a. Which one is that?

Why? Why do you even ask? Here's an easy way to remember - they are the opposite of how they sound. Near = can't see far away. 
Far = can't see close up.

You're welcome.

5. Did kids call you four-eyes growing up?

Surprisingly, no. I never had to deal with those ass-hole kids you see in the movies. The only time I was really picked on was for having a Hanson tape cassette. No one appreciated them like I did...MmmBop.

4. Do you ever wear contacts?

This one always makes me question whether or not I look good in glasses. I'm wearing glasses for two reasons - 1) because I can't see without them & 2) because I actually like them on me! Fun Fact: If I didn't want to wear them, I would wear contacts.

Because I say no, I then get this question - 

4a. Would you ever get laser eye surgery?

Which in these days is a valid question...I guess. But probably not. I'd rather not take the chance. But seriously, do they look THAT bad on me?!

3. You wear glasses - that means you're smart, right?

Seriously?! Someone has been watching too many stereotypical movies or TV shows that involve smart individuals wearing glasses. Am I smart? Sure, why not. Do my glasses make me smart? No! Did the kid that sat behind me in Math class senior year of HS think so? Yes. And did he try to cheat off of me multiple times? Yes. That fool.

2. So when you take naps, do you sleep in them?

This is another one of those - really?! type of questions. Unless you want something sharp pushing against your face the entire time, you take them off. Of course, one downside is that whenever someone wakes you up & says "Hurry! Look!" you usually miss out because you have to find your glasses first...

And the #1 question I get asked about my glasses is -

1. Can I try them on? 

I can't even tell you how many people ask me this. And it's usually people I have just met - Primarily in a bar setting. What people don't understand is that glasses are expensive. Damn expensive. Would you hand over your porsche to someone random for a test drive? Didn't think so. Unless you're actually friends with them, longer than it takes to down one beer on a Saturday night, stop asking people with glasses to try them on. 

Well, there it is.
The most common questions I get
just because I wear glasses on a daily basis.

Oh one last thing, 
if someone asks me one more time 
"Let me see you without glasses on! Take them off!"
I might punch them.

So how many are you guilty of?

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