Thank you cards are great.
Especially when they provide you with a backhanded thank you.
Enter- my brother...
He recently came across this whole thank you card thing.
Only took him 22 years
and we were al lucky enough to receive
these beautiful cards after his birthday this year.
The thing with my brother though
is that he can't just write a sweet, nice and thoughtful card.
It has to be backhanded in someway, shape or form.
At least with my card...
I don't know if this makes me more excited
to give him gifts because his cards are entertaining.
Or say, screw you,
I ain't buying you shit next time!
Tough call...
Ha-- I've never received an actual thank you CARD from one of my brothers but I do get thank you texts.... though they call me their "CYST-ER." Gross.