Let's talk about my 1st "boyfriend"
and I use that term very loosely.
This is like, middle school status boyfriend.
And back in my day, that meant it was really nothing.
No kissing. No sleepovers.
No Facebook to make the relationship official.
So basically, I don't really count it in my line up of past flames
but it's still a great foreshadowing of my love life...
Anyways, this dates back to 2004 (I think).
8th grade (I think).
And we met thorough mutual friends (I think).
It's been a while, give me a break.
He was the middle school "ladies man"
and I fell for it.
We began seeing each other right before winter break,
thus we didn't see each other the first two weeks of dating.
We resorted to talking on the phone,
which was the only way to communicate back then,
and kept the relationship going strong.
A little too strong on his end.
Something about listening to my voice made him fall.
Me: "Ok, well I've got to go. I'll talk to you later."
Boy: "Ok, I love you."
Yeah, he said it.
Something a guy of two months has a hard time saying
let alone two weeks.
Who knew my voice was that charming
(it's not).
So how do I react?
Oh you know, embarrassing Ali like.
"Uh hahaha. Thanks? Bye."
Yup, I laughed and said thanks.
That's the right way to handle this situation, right?
Well, not so much because we broke up after that.
Thankfully he bounced back pretty fast with a few girls I knew.
And what is he up to now?
Still that same old ladies man...
But what he should have done
(or still should do)
is take a page out of M2M's lyrical book.
"Don't say you love me. You don't even know me baby."
Don't remember them?
Not from the '90's?
That's a shame.
[But seriously, what ever happened to M2M?!]
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