September 02, 2013

The One Who Broke Up With Song Lyrics

That awkward moment when you use a song lyric as a break up line
and they notice few weeks later when they hear the song on the radio...

If you had one shot, or one opportunity

to seize a break up and make it everything you ever wanted,
would you capture it or just let it slip?

Yup, my embarrassing nature strikes again!
Well, this was about two years ago but none the less, 
I think about it every time I hear the song and have a good laugh.

Back when Adele was just gaining popularity and hitting the main stream, 
I was ending a relationship with someone.
Ok, fine. They were ending it with me.

Perfect timing though because
"Someone Like You" just came out and it spoke to me-
Thank you Adele for lyrically describing what we were all feeling.

Of course after being struck by Adele's raw lyrics,
I knew this was how I needed to express myself
when my guy and I had our final good-bye talk...

"You know, sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it just hurts instead."

I felt like a boss with my ever so thought provoking words,
which I knew he would never connect because he was an iPod man
and never listened to the radio.

And he agreed with me!
That is until I got a text from him a few weeks later...

"So I was listening to the radio...did you take that line from a song?"

Foiled again!
Why do I do this to myself?
I don't know.

But there's something about lyrics of music that are just too perfect to pass up.
As if someone really thought every word out before they said it...
Something I only wish I did more often.

And lyrics have the power to bring you back to a time of hurt, love, joy, or anger
which is so horrible yet addicting at the same time.

Since I do not have the skill set to actually write a song, 
sing it and have it hit the top charts on the radio, 
the next best thing is to use someones words during a break up...

So here are a few I have not tried yet
but encourage you to give them a go.

Top 6 (suggested) Song Lyric Break Ups
First, a few tips if you're going to plagiarize a break up...

    •  DON'T use the exact words. It WILL click for them and they WILL call you out.
    •  Try not to sing it. Use your natural voice. Unless you're like me or Jess from New Girl and sing sentences all the time anyways.
    • Maybe don't mention that you did this to your friends...someone will spill the beans because it's just too pathetic and sad not to share.


1) Just answer me this, why did you have to go and make things so complicated?

2) Straight up now tell me did you really want to love me forever? 

3) I knew you were going to be trouble when you walked into my life. 
(trouble, trouble, trouble). Just whisper that last part for dramatic emphasis...

4) Leave! Get out! Right now! It's the end of you and me.

5) You tell me you love me but why did you leave me alone? 

6) Fuck you. boo boo boo
Now, who can name all of the songs?!  


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