September 27, 2013

The One Without Boundaries


This particular one involves my younger brother,
who has not learned the meaning of personal space or boundaries. 

So I guess with this situation it is a sibling-shit,
and when I say shit, I mean literally... 

I was brushing my teeth in our shared bathroom
and my brother walks in.
Pulls down his pants, 
And sits on the toilet. 

Tooth brush still in mouth I yell,   

"Are you taking a shit while I am in here brushing my teeth?!?!" 

My brother: 
"Yes, now can you please get out so I can have some privacy?" 

"What the hell?!?! That's disgusting! I'm brushing my teeth!" 

"Well you should have thought about doing that after I was done..." 

Trying to run out of the death trap as fast as I could,  
I ran to my room to tell my friend what just happened to me. 

Her response,
"Man I'm glad I don't have to live here..."

This is my life. 
A brother I have to live with who does not 
give a shit about my personal bubble.

Anyone looking for a roommate?


  1. One of my very first memories at your house...

    1. One of your very favorite memories of my house...
